Our Ambassadors
The Chorale’s programming would not be possible without the support of many individuals in the community who give generously of their time and talent—through volunteering and in-kind gifts.
Our Ambassadors
The Chorale’s programming would not be possible without the support of many individuals in the community who give generously of their time and talent—through volunteering and in-kind gifts.
Thank you to our Ambassadors
Concert programming would not be possible without assistance from, and support of, many individuals, businesses and organizations in our community and beyond.
Anna Aguilera
Ann Alexander
Barbara Anderson Acosta
Kenneth Beier
Sue Benedict
Susan Breyer
John Burke
Marty Carroll
Elaine Cheesman
Donna Clark
Brad Clements
Jane Clements
Ken Collins
Doug Conwell
Judy Costlow
Diana Dallas
Colleen Davidson
Rebecca Dempsey
Lisa El-Kerdi
Doug Escue
Laura Escue
Morgan Farley
Gwen Fuller
Ralph Fuller
K.C. Garrett
Pam Gilchrest
Michaela Granito-Tibbetts
Jennifer Graves
Janet Harris
Shari Hirst
Victoria Hudimac
Rose Ann James
Julia Johnson
Anna Katherine
Bo Keppel
Jan Kerr
Leah Kier
Barbara Kuzminska
Joan Lamarque
Beata Lewis
Dolores Lopez
Ann Mac Vicar
Carole Mathison
Arin McKenna
Karen Meador
Estelle Miller
Linda Miller
Kathy Moore-Gregory
Karen Nelson
Marie Newsom
Mary O’Brien
Tina Ossorgin
Carole Owens
Linda Pasternacki
Grace Philips
Cindy Piatt
Rob Pine
Susan Pippin
Anita Pisa
Ross (Allen) Pope
Madeline S. Pryor
Chantal Quincy
Larry Rasmussen
Nyla Rasmussen
Donna Rigano
Pat Roach
Laurie Romero
Barbara Roush
Nickola Rubow
Karren Sahler
Anne Salzmann
Don Schmit
Elizabeth Schwitz
John Schwitz
Diana Segara Mahony
Helen Senesac
Deb Smith-Davis
Sandy Sparks
Lynn Spray
Allen Steele
Andrea Steele
David Taylor
Erin Taylor
Mark Tibbetts
Alice Tinkle
Jolanta Tuzel
Carrie Vogel
Joe Watt
Laura Watt
Linda Wieseman
Jean Withers
Bob Zimmerman
Your Volunteer Contact
O’Shaun Estrada
Box Office & Operations Manager